Book Review: Standing Items: critical pedagogies in South African art, design and architecture, edited by Brenden Gray, Shashi Cullinan Cook, Tariq Toffa and Amie Soudien
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book review, critical pedagogies, South Africa, art, artdesign and architecture
In this review of Standing Items: critical pedagogies in South African art, design and architecture, edited by Brenden Gray, Shashi Cullinan Cook, Tariq Toffa and Amie Soudien, book reviewers Nan O’Sullivan and David Hakaraia explain how this book casts light on discussion points, awkward conversations, skewed demographics and pathways to radical change in these disciplines in South Africa.
Keywords: Critical pedagogies, South Africa, Book review, Art design and architecture
How to cite this article:
O’Sullivan, N.C. & Hakaraia, D. 2020. Book review: Standing Items: critical pedagogies in South African art, design and architecture, edited by Brenden Gray, Shashi Cullinan Cook, Tariq Toffa and Amie Soudien. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in the South. 4(2): 244-247.
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