To ensure blind review, please submit three separate documents:

  1. Cover Page
  2. Abstract
  3. Submission text


The cover page should include the following information:

  • The name of the corresponding author.
  • Names, emails and affiliations of all authors, including ORCID IDs.
  • If ethics permission is required by your university, please indicate that this has been obtained (book reviews or articles that are conceptual or theoretical in nature do not require ethics approval).
  • Funding sources: declare any funding that supported the research included in the manuscript, (including project or funding reference numbers if necessary).
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration.
  • Plagiarism declaration: I acknowledge in submitting this manuscript to the journal that I have included all relevant citations and references. I further acknowledge that this manuscript presents my own original work, and does not copy, borrow from, or represent other published research in a way that would constitute academic plagiarism. Please see our Publication Ethics and Malpractice statement for clarity. All submissions to SOTL in the South are subject to a plagiarism check using Turnitin.
  • Keywords for the article in English (and in one additional language if preferred).
  • The .doc or .docx file name should be "COVER - [First 3 words of title]"


The abstract should include only:

  • the title of the text,
  • an abstract of 200 words or less describing the article,
  • and at least 5 keywords relating to the field of study.
  • The abstract must be in English, but you may include a second abstract in a language of your choice – for example the national language of your country.
  • The .doc or .docx file name should be "ABSTRACT + [First 3 words of title]"


The submission text should include only:

  • the title of the text,
  • the body of the article (5 000 – 8 000 words in length, including references and endnotes),
  • and the list of references.
  • The .doc or .docx file name should be "MAIN TEXT + [First 3 words of title]"


Please ensure that there are no details on the abstract or main submission that reveal any biographical information about the author(s).

Note that all papers will be screened by plagiarism checking software.

  • These should be between 800 and 1 000 words.
  • Book reviewers should include a short abstract describing their book review.
  • Book reviews should focus on publications emanating from, or of relevance to, the global South.
  • Book reviews are not sent out for blind review.
  • Book reviews do not require ethics approval.
  • Book reviews should be referenced according to the style guide outlined below.


  • These should be between 2 000 and 3 000 words.
  • Authors should include a short abstract describing their reflection or short research report.
  • These will not be sent out for blind review.
  • This section includes visual essays and other innovative formats.
  • Reflections and short research reports should be referenced according to the style guide outlined below.