This is the third issue of the SOTL in the South journal. It includes SOTL work undertaken in Chile, South Africa, Botswana and New Zealand - and book reviews by academics working in Singapore and Australia.
ISSN 2523-1154
Published: 2024-02-22
Peer-reviewed articles
The use of Māori and Pasifika knowledge within the everyday practice of commensality to enrich the learning experience
Abstract 13 | PDF Downloads 0Page 4-17
When art informs: challenging stereotypes in a multicultural educational setting in Botswana
Abstract 18 | PDF Downloads 2Page 18-36
Integrating inquiry-based learning into the Academic Literacy course to enhance student learning
Abstract 22 | PDF Downloads 2Page 37-52
A socially just pedagogy in the use of mobile devices in higher education? The case of Humanities first-year students at a South African university
Abstract 10 | PDF Downloads 0Page 53-70
Social responsibility and higher education: just a market target or a real educational challenge? An answer from the trenches
Abstract 18 | PDF Downloads 3Page 71-89
Socially just pedagogies: perspectives from the ‘global south’
Abstract 18 | PDF Downloads 1Page 1-3
Book reviews
Kerfoot, C & Hyltenstam, K (eds.). 2017. Entangled discourses: South-North orders of visibility. Oxon: Routledge.
Abstract 19 | PDF Downloads 0Page 90-91
Bangeni, B & Kapp, R. (eds.). 2017. Negotiating Learning and Identity in Higher education: Access, Persistence and Retention. London & New York: Bloomsbury.
Abstract 24 | PDF Downloads 0Page 92-94