Socially just pedagogies: perspectives from the ‘global south’
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SOTL in the south, SOTL, Scholarship of teaching and learning, global south, social justice
In their editorial for this third issue of SOTL in the South, Amanda Hlengwa and Kibashini Naidoo contextualise the papers in relation to socially just pedagogies in the ‘global south'. The articles in this issue focus on the scholarship of teaching and learning in 'southern' contexts such as New Zealand, South Africa, Botswana and Chile, and were double-blind peer-reviewed by local and international reviewers.
How to cite this editorial:
HLENGWA, Amanda; NAIDOO, Kibashini. Editorial: Socially just pedagogies: perspectives from the ‘global south’. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in the South. v. 2, n. 2, p. 1-3, Sept. 2018. Available at:
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