The third biennial SOTL in the South Conference took place online between November 22 and 25, 2021. The theme of the conference was ‘Beyond the Pandemic: Lessons for the Future of SOTL in the Global South’. This theme was in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, which raised fundamental and urgent questions for the scholarship of teaching and learning. This special issue of the SOTL in the South journal addresses the question of how the challenges associated with academic life in lockdown and the transition to online teaching and learning have been experienced by students, lecturers, support staff, and academic managers in institutions and across society more broadly. The issue features six peer-reviewed contributions and one reflective piece. This is the first part of what will be a two-part special issue. In this first part, the lens offered privileges the perspective of university management, lecturers, academic advisors, doctoral supervisors, and tutors. The second part of the special issue, to be published in a few months’ time, will place greater focus on student perspectives in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Published: 2024-02-19
Peer-reviewed articles
Pedagogical continuities in teaching and learning during COVID-19: Holding up the bridge
Abstract 30 | PDF Downloads 5Page 7-32
Reframing purpose and conceptions of success for a post-Covid-19 South African higher education
Abstract 11 | PDF Downloads 0Page 33-54
What does decolonising education mean to us? Educator reflections
Abstract 21 | PDF Downloads 2Page 55-78
Applications of augmented reality as a blended learning tool for architectural education
Abstract 19 | PDF Downloads 0Page 79-94
Academic advising during emergency remote teaching and learning: A South African higher education perspective
Abstract 17 | PDF Downloads 3Page 95-111
Decolonising Australian doctoral education beyond/within the pandemic: Foregrounding Indigenous knowledges
Abstract 21 | PDF Downloads 0Page 112-137
Beyond the pandemic: Lessons for the future of SOTL in the global South (part one)
Abstract 6 | PDF Downloads 4Reflective pieces
Incorporating Ubuntu principles in a tutor training programme to promote academic success and wellbeing
Abstract 15 | PDF Downloads 0Page 138-147