This special issue seeks to explore how to ‘do academia differently’ in the interests of justice in higher education. It takes account of theoretical frameworks, teaching methods, research practices, publishing norms, curricular content and the design of courses. The issue consists of nine articles which address different aspect of these areas from a range of disciplines – medical education, literature, visual arts, philosophy, the scholarship of teaching and learning in higher education – and from philosophical perspectives that concern humans in their entanglement with natural and technological worlds. The issue opens up a space for the dissemination of alternative ideas, legitimising experimentation for those who wish to do academia differently.
Published: 2024-02-22
Peer-reviewed articles
Doing Academia Differently: Taking Care of Humans, Technologies and Environments in the Digital Age
Abstract 4 | PDF Downloads 0Page 8-26
Towards a Pedagogics of Epiphany
Abstract 2 | PDF Downloads 0Page 27-40
Research Agendas in an Ubuntu Paradigm
Abstract 1 | PDF Downloads 0Page 41-61
Academia’s Breath: Oxygenating Academia One Creative, Embodied Breath at a Time
Abstract 0 | PDF Downloads 2Page 62-82
Crafting Medical Education Differently: An Innovative Pedagogical Approach to Enhance Deep Learning in Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Abstract 5 | PDF Downloads 0Page 83-100
Choreographic Cartographies with-in Learning: Towards response-ability in Higher Education Pedagogy
Abstract 2 | PDF Downloads 0Page 101-128
Practicing Poetic Inquiry: Bringing Affective Perspectives into Qualitative Research
Abstract 1 | PDF Downloads 0Page 129-146
Re-viewing Peer Reviewing: Towards an Affirmative Scholarship
Abstract 3 | PDF Downloads 1Page 147-167
Doing Concepts Differently
Abstract 2 | PDF Downloads 0Page 168-189