Second online volume of Southern African Field Archaeology.

Published: 2024-01-19

Peer-reviewed research report

Using aerial survey to record new sites in the Keimoes kite landscape of South Africa

Matt G. Lotter, Tim Forssman, Sebastian Bielderman, Marlize Lombard
Abstract 386 | PDF Downloads 149

The fauna from Ratho Kroonkop, a rain-control site in the Shashe-Limpopo Confluence Area, Limpopo Province, South Africa

Kathryn Croll, Shaw Badenhorst, Jerome Reynard, Alex Schoeman
Abstract 264 | PDF Downloads 187 SOM Downloads 14

Woodstock Rocks: From Acheulean to Iron Age in the Waterberg, Limpopo Province, South Africa

Lyn Wadley, Wim Biemond, Ghilraen Laue, Chrissie Sievers, Carolyn Thorp, Michiel de Kock
Abstract 395 | PDF Downloads 124 SOM Downloads 35