Front and back matter
The Bakopa of Thabantšho: historical background. site description and initial excavations as part of the Maleoskop archaeological project. W.S. Boshoff, D.J. Krüger & M.M. Leonard…3
Boleu: faunal analysis from a 19th century site in the Groblersdal area, Mpumalanga, South Africa. Shaw Badenhorst & Ina Plug…13
Later Stone Age burials from the Western Cape Province, South Africa part I: Voëlvlei. A.G. Morris, N. Dlamini, J. Joseph, A. Parker, C. Powrie, I. Ribot & D. Stynder…19
A Late Iron Age/contact period burial at Stand 1610. Hillside Street Silver Lakes. Tshwane. Anton Pelser, Frank Teichert & Maryna Steyn…27
"De-!Kunging"' the Later Stone Age of the central interior of South Africa. A.J.B. Humphreys…36
Archaeological mitigation for Project Lion. T.N. Huffman…42
Archaeological research along the south-eastern Cape Coast part I: open-air shell middens. Johan Binneman…49
New evidence for the origin of the Zerrissene Mountain (Namibia) excavations and diggings. L. Jacobson…78