Front matter
A small goat, Capra hircus, from a Late Iron Age site in the eastern Orange Free State. J.S. Brink & S. Holt…88
Use-wear analysis of two Acheulean handaxes from Wonderwerk Cave, northern Cape. Johan Binneman & Peter Beaumont…92
A report on the results of a test pit in Strathalan Cave B, Maclear district, north-eastern Cape. H. Opperman…98
Unusual paintings of wildebeest and zebra-like animals from north-western Lesotho. Jannie Laubser & James Brink…103
Preliminary notes on an Early Iron Age site in the Great Kei River valley, eastern Cape. Johan Binneman, Lita Webley & Victor Biggs…108
Report on the fifth southern African rock art colloquium. Janette Deacon & Jannie Loubser…110