Front matter

Surface and subsurface reconnaissance at Ndondondwane: preliminary results of the 1995-97 field season. Haskel Greenfield, Leonard Van Schalkwyk & Tina L. Jongsma…5

Late Quaternary archaeological and palaeoenvironmental data from sediments at Rhino Cave, Tsodilo Hills, Botswana. L.H. Robbins, G.A. Brook, M.L. Murphy, A.C. Campbell, N. Mellear & W.S. Downey…17

The identification and significance of ceramic ecofacts from Early Iron Age Ndondondwane, South Africa. Kent D. Fowler, Haskel J. Greenfield & Leonard Van Schalkwyk…32

Early rock art records in the collections of the Pitt Rivers Museum, University of Oxford. J. Hobart, P. Mitchell, J. Coote, M. De Alarcón & G. Isaac…43

Later Stone Age open-air sites on Bloubos, Nothern Cape. Isabelle Parsons…55

A human grave from the farm Hamilton in the Limpopo River Valley (South Africa). Willem Boshoff & Maryna Steyn…68

Excavations of a Late Iron Age site in the Makgabeng, Northern Province. J.A. Van Schalkwyk…75

Results from two test excavations in the Baviaanskloof Mountains, Eastern Cape Province. Johan Binneman…83