Front and back matter

Hollow Rock Shelter, A Middle Stone Age site in the Cederberg. Ursula Evans…63

An early Dutch settlement pattern on the north east frontier of the Cape Colony. C. Garth Sampson, Beatrix E. Sampson & Dennis Neville…74

The metallurgical analysis of artefacts from Jakkalsberg, Richtersveld, northern Cape. Duncan Miller & Lita Webley…82

Later Stone Age funerary practice in the Matopos, Zimbabwe: a contribution to understanding prehistoric death rites in southern Africa. Nick Walker…94

Early Iron Age pottery from Canasta Place, East London district. T. Nogwaza…103

Preliminary results of a survey of Bulawayo, Shaka Kasenzangakhona's capital from about 1820 to 1827. Gavin Whitelaw…107

Dutch brass buttons from the shipwreck of the "Oosterland" (1697): a response to Miller and Markell. Bruno E.J.S. Werz…110

Note on a digging stick from Augussie Shelter, eastern Cape. Johan Binneman…112