Front and back matter

Toteng pottery and the origins of Bambata. Thomas N.Huffman…3

Two victims of the wreck of the "British Peer". M.L. Wilson & W.J.J. van Rijssen…10

Understanding the MSA/LSA transition: the pre-20 000 BP assemblages from new excavations at Sehonghong rock shelter, Lesotho. P.J. Mitchell…15

Searching for shipwrecks off Robben Island: an exercise in cultural resource management. Bruno E.J.S. Werz…26

The faunal remains from four Late Iron Age sites in the Soutpansberg region: Part I: Tavhatshena. Elizabeth de Wet-Bronner…33

Cartridges and chronology: an exercise in relative dating. J. Dreyer…44

An historical archaeological investigation of Fort Daspoort, Pretoria. Anton C. van Vollenhoven…49

An ostrich eggshell cache from the Vaalbos National Park, northern Cape. David Morris…55

A unique stone tipped arrowhead from Adam's Kranz Cave, eastern Cape. Johan Binneman…58

A short note on the Namaqualand diary entries of W.G. Atherstone relating to Bushmen bows and arrows. Lita Webley…60