Specific inferior and superior role portrayals in multi-racial television advertisements

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- Articles
- Submited: November 9, 2022
Published: November 10, 2022
The attitude analysis of specific inferior and superior role portrayals is a direct result of the article published In Communicare (1988: 49-54) on general role portrayals. The respondents analysed role portrayals of models in 12 different multi-racial television advertisements. The results indicate important differences in the perception of these roles. Finally an original model of role perception is put forward. Van der Waldt (1988:49) stated that the diversity of approaches to the analysis of advertising has led to the discussion and application of Festinger's (1954) theory of social comparison, Grubb & Grathwohl's (1967) theory of self-concept related to product consumption, Sarbin & Allen's (1968) role theory and lastly Bandura's (1977) theory of social learning. Results indicated (Van der Waldt, 1988:53) that these theories clustered together separately under four different factors. All except Bandura's social learning theory clustered under a particular factor. It seems therefore important to pay more attention to this theory.
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