External quality control in communication science:: The Dutch experience
The Dutch experience

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- Articles
- Submited: October 25, 2022
Published: October 31, 2022
In this article, the author gives an overview of how quality control is done in
Communication Science at Dutch and Flemish universities. He bases his overview on
his experience as a member of the Dutch/Flemish External Quality Control Commission
during 1998/99. The article focuses briefly on the question “why quality control?”, a
definition of quality control, the process of quality control, challenges in and threats
to Communication Science, and on-site visits to departments. He finally provides the
Dutch checklist (reworked and translated) used by external quality control commissions
for the evaluation of university teaching.
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- Verslag van de Auditcommissie Kwaliteitsorg in het Academisch Onderwijs in Vlaanderen Aandag voor kwaliteit in de Vlaamse Universiteite. 1998. Brussel: Colofon.
- VSNU. 1995. Gids voor de Onderwijsvisitaties. Utrecht: VSNU.
- VSNU. 1999. Communicatiewetenschap. Rapport van de Onderwijs Visitatiecommissie . Opleidingen: KUN, UvA, UT, K.U. Leuven, Universiteit Gent, V.U. Brussel. Utrecht: VSNU.