Marketing public relations {MPR): a critical perspective of current literature
a critical perspective of current literature

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- Articles
- Submited: October 24, 2022
Published: October 31, 2022
This article addresses the Marketing Public Relations (MPR) concept, whose emergence
can partly be ascribed to the continuous debate regarding the respective boundaries
of both the fields of public relations and marketing. The article first explains the
nature of the debate and then explores the emergence and some theory of MPR. It also
argues the position of MPR in the organisation and finally contemplates its future.
This article in particular debates the current apprehension that MPR is merely product
publicity or mostly adds credibility to an organisation's product advertising efforts. It
argues that MPR can achieve much more in the organisation than scholars and theorists
currently address, especially with regard to the establishment of long-term customer
relationships and trust.
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