A metaphorical application of the concept ‘paradigm’ to the public relations domain
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- Articles
- Submited: October 21, 2022
Published: October 24, 2022
The aim of this conceptual analysis of Kuhn’s paradigm theory was to explore whether
the concept of paradigm could be applied to the public relations domain—specifically
with regard to concepts such as dominant paradigm, paradigm debate, paradigm struggle
and scientific revolution. Based on the findings, the author suggests that the first three models of public relations
are the theory that represents the origins of public relations as a (social) science; that
the dominant paradigm of normal science practice in public relations is persuasion; and
that alternative paradigms debated are about inter alia professionalism, ethical
performance, conflict, chaos and pluralism. Furthermore, an important paradigm debate
is currently taking place between eminent US scholars (relationships) and European
scholars (reflection). However, the real paradigm struggle is seen to be between
persuasion and two-way symmetrical communication (regarded by some as a struggle
between symbolic and behavioural relationships). The author’s conclusion is that public
relations is currently suffering an identity crisis which could, with a number of alternative
paradigms available, lead to a scientific revolution in the discipline.
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