Exploring corporate reputation variables to measure personal reputations

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- Articles
- Submited: October 11, 2022
Published: October 13, 2022
This explorative article qualitatively describes reputation variables that are applicable to both
corporate and personal reputations: identity, image, branding, personality, behaviour, culture,
ethics and storytelling. The research problem is concerned with the fact that personal reputations
are not studied with the same intensity as corporate reputations are. In the context of corporate
communication, the question arises as to whether variables that measure corporate reputation
can be applied to the assessment of personal reputations. The article aims firstly to describe the concepts which define reputations, both corporate and personal, from a corporate communication perspective, and secondly to describe ways of
assessing corporate reputation, in order to suggest their application to personal reputation. In
doing so, the article attempts to ground corporate reputation within the meta-theoretical context
of corporate communication, according to the traditions of Van Riel (1995) and Van Riel and
Fombrun (2007). The article concludes that the Reputation Quotient (RQ) can be applied to measure personal
reputations. This measurement instrument includes all the assessment criteria of the Reputation
Institute’s (2017) the RepTrak®, as well as the criteria of the Authentic Personal Governance
Model, and the Personal Balanced Scorecard Framework proposed by Rampersad and Hussain
(2014). The article does not attempt to elaborate upon a personality analysis of individuals, but is
concerned with the possible application of corporate reputation measurement variables to
measure the reputation of individuals.
Article Metrics Graph
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