e-Governments in Africa The Integration of Technology into Public Ministries

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Thando Mncwango
Noluthando Mncwango


e-Government, Africa, technology, public ministries


Multiple authors have come to view Africa as a victim of the fourth industrial revolution (4IR), a continent which has not been able to take part as one of the driving forces of this technological advancement. This is more so true when considering the state of the African continent during the first, second and third industrial revolutions where Africa's role had been of a more minimal nature. This assumption is however not true when considering how multiple countries in Africa have embraced and entrenched technology into the daily operations of their government institutions during the 4IR. Furthermore, it can be identified that the introduction of the 4IR has only led to an increase in the efficiency and effectiveness of African governments and their institutions in the act of service delivery. This illustrates that not only is the African continent ready for this revolution but that it has also been able to take advantage of it. This paper aims to illustrate the growing potential of digitalisation and e-government in African states. It will do this by providing an observation of the development that technology has fostered better service delivery using five African states as case studies, namely South Africa, Mauritius, Nigeria, Rwanda and Tunisia. It aims to analyse the transformations that have taken place from the periods of 2000 to 2022 whether they be an increase in the overall quality of the services provided, or a reduction in time required for the execution of those said services. The paper uses secondary sources as a mechanism to analyse the impact that the introduction of technology has had on government systems in the five African countries. The main focus will be on the ministries of home affairs, finance, education, transport and health and how the incorporation of technology into these departments and departments that are of similar interests in the other countries has assisted in the improvement of the effectiveness of service delivery of these departments.

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