Education, ICT, Teleconferencing, Networking and E-Learning The case of Zimbabwe

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Freeman Munisi Mateko
Bernard Chingwanangwana


coronavirus, pedagogical, education, information and communication technology, e-learning, development, networking, poverty


This paper seeks to examine Education, ICT, Teleconferencing, Networking And E-Learning with a specific focus on of Zimbabwe. The paper was based on qualitative research techniques. Challenges faced by women in their business in Zimbabwe were closure of business, exposure to rape, violence and robbery, financial losses, drop in their revenue, reduced remittances, reduced demand of goods and services, obstacles in logistics and shipping of products, challenges of acquiring raw materials, reduced worker productivity as well as technological challenges in the form of (limited e-banking and teleconferencing opportunities, huge data costs and lack of required technology. In terms of the effects of e-learning to women and girls in accessing education in Zimbabwe it was realised that, girls and women enjoyed benefits such as to exposure to online learning, reduced walking distances, exposure to educational opportunities such as scholarships. However, there were also adverse effects and these were limited access to online learning, lack of smartphones, lack of data, non- inclusive education, reduced long distance – learning via WhatsApp exposure to uncensored online material which exposed girls to online sexual predators. Policy recommendation wise, it was suggested that there is need for increased government funding towards ICT at all levels as well as prioritisation of all marginalised women.

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