About the Journal
Aims and scope
Digital Policy Studies is an open-access, peer-reviewed interdisciplinary academic journal focused on the empirical, critical and intersectoral study of subjects related to digital policy and the fourth industrial revolution, cybersecurity, the digitalisation of politics, the digital economy, information and communication technology, the convergence of technology and society, new media and related topics. The Journal publishes research articles, review articles and policy commentary in designated sections.
Published by the Department of Politics and International Relations at the University of Johannesburg.
Open access policy
Digital Policy Studies is an open access journal. All issues are available to readers without requirement to register on the journal’s website.
Editorial process (peer review)
All Research Articles undergo double-blind peer review before acceptance for publication. Other article types (book reviews and commentaries) are subjected to internal review for quality control.
Licensing terms
Articles are published under Creative Commons licensing (CC BY-NC 2.0 ZA).
Copyright terms
The author remains the primary copyright holder.
Author charges
The journal does not charge any fees to authors.
Publisher information
The journal name is Digital Policy Studies, published by UJ Press based at Corner University Road and Kingsway Avenue, Johannesburg, 2017, Republic of South Africa.
Queries should be directed to Managing Editor Dr Ayabulela Dlakavu at ayadlakavu@gmail.com.
The journal’s URL is https://journals.uj.ac.za/index.php/dps
Digital Policy Studies (DPS) is currently archived through CLOCKSS, LOCKSS and the PKP PN.
Repository policy
This journal allows authors to deposit the published version of their work in an institutional or any other repository of their choice.
ISSN: 2791-3597