ICTS and e-Governance in Africa

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Noluthando Mncwango
Thando Mncwango


ICTs, Technology, Governance, Governments


Information and  Communication Systems (ICTs) have widely affected the world of governance which has led to a growth in e-governance in African countries. Public institutions have slowly adapted ICTs in order to achieve new levels of efficiency and more effective means of service delivery. These technologies continue to strengthen not only communication with society, but also further fosters the accountability and transparency of governments and government officials. A common dispute against ICTs in Africa is based on the knowledge that some African countries have a questionable ICT readiness due to weak infrastructure. For instance, Frans and Pather (2021:1) elaborate on the costliness of data in a country like South Africa which has easily led to numerous households having minimal access to the internet. Furthermore, due to high levels of poverty and rural areas in some African countries, many people do not have access to smartphones, nevertheless data or internet connection. However, in this time, the Covid-19 pandemic has accentuated the need to be 'in the know' for many people, which has thus led to a high demand for ICTs in countries (Frans and Pather, 2021:1). With the assistance and utilisation of secondary sources, this paper aims to highlight the benefits that come with incorporating ICTs in government as a mechanism to foster a relationship between government and its people. Through the consideration and incorporation of governance principles such as accountability, transparency, decision-making and participation, this paper will elaborate on how these principles can be achieved in African countries through the use of ICTs in governance. This research will further observe the following countries as case studies: Ghana, Rwanda, Egypt, Kenya and South Africa. The study  analyses these countries’ approaches in incorporating ICT and how it has benefitted them and will further benefit them. It will explore various aspects that determine a country's ICT readiness whilst further considering the risks, limitations and benefits that an incorporation of ICTs in governance brings.

Keywords: ICTs, Technology, Governance, Governments 

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