Effects of Digital Technologies on Africa’s Electoral Democracy Perspectives from South Africa

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Maxwell Maseko https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0512-7145


Digital Technologies, E-Voting, ,Electoral Democracy, Voter Management Devices, South Africa, Africa


This paper uses a South African case study to closely examine how the recent explosion of digital technologies has impacted electoral democracy in Africa. It seeks to answer a key research question about the risks and benefits of using technology in elections on the continent. Although South Africa has not adopted e-voting, the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) piloted the use of thousands of new voter management devices in the 2021 local government election. At the time, the IEC also said it had delivered its ‘most technologically advanced election’ yet. Despite embracing some of the technological changes, the IEC argues that it is not yet cost-effective to introduce new voting technology in South Africa. There is strong evidence from other African countries too suggesting that the constitutionality and feasibility of electronic voting devices is questionable. The integrity of elections can also be doubtful if the process is not inclusive of the population. Aside from a thorough literature review, this paper analysed a combination of official IEC statements and reports on technology and e-voting in South Africa, including public pronouncements on the use of digital technologies on the African continent. Insights from this work will benefit election officials, policymakers, scholars, and others interested in the advancement of research in this growing field of study.  

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