Using Blockchain Technology to Curb Voter Fraud in Nigeria Prospects and Challenges

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Nelson Isibor


Blockchain, voter fraud, blockchain voting, Nigeria, digital voting


Blockchain is gradually changing the way in which data is stored, accessed and processed. Could this help Nigeria to achieve free, fair and credible elections? This study discusses how blockchain technology could be used in that country’s electoral processes – specifically, how it could prevent electoral fraud by providing a secure and transparent way of storing and accessing voting data. It reviews existing literature on the subject, and analyses current and potential applications of blockchain technology in ensuring electoral integrity. The study does not focus on the computational aspects of blockchain, but on its potential to curb electoral fraud in Nigeria. It also discusses the potential benefits and challenges of implementing blockchain technology in electoral systems in Nigeria, examines the various policy considerations and potential solutions, provides actionable recommendations, and suggests areas where blockchain could be effectively integrated into Nigeria’s current electoral system.

Abstract 362 | PDF Downloads 246


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