Announcing a Feature Section of the SAIEE Africa Research Journal dedicated to:
Artificial Intelligence in Power Engineering and Energy Systems
(33rd Southern African Universities Power Engineering Conference (SAUPEC 2025))
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The journal is indexed by:
2. SciELO SA
The journal is, therefore, listed as an accredited journal of the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) in South Africa.
Note: The indexing status does change from time to time. Please check the latest from the indexing platform (Scopus, DOAJ, etc).
Announcing a Feature Section of the SAIEE Africa Research Journal dedicated to:
Artificial Intelligence in Power Engineering and Energy Systems
(33rd Southern African Universities Power Engineering Conference (SAUPEC 2025))
On 18 May 2024, the SAIEE Africa Research Journal has taken note of the new SciELO Publication Criteria. Editors/Authors are made aware of a number of changes.
SAIEE Africa Research Journal indexed by Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
The Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) in South Africa accredits journals in various ways. There are several requirements for accreditation, one of which is that articles must be peer-reviewed. In essence, accreditation means that for papers published in a journal by an author affiliated with a South African public university, the university will receive a subsidy for the publication.
To establish accreditation and associated credibility, DHET recognises journals via its own review processes. Furthermore, DHET also recognises certain national or international databases. The SAIEE Africa Research Journal is listed by SciELO SA, indexed by Scopus and hosted by IEEE Xplore (which also helps for citation tracking).
As of 2022, the journal is listed by the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ).
The SAIEE Africa Research Journal, an open-access journal, indexed by Scopus and other indices, is now published by IEEE Xplore. The journal, which is now 112 years in age, is the third oldest on the IEEE Xplore database.
The full archives of the SAIEE Africa Research Journal (incorporating the SAIEE Transactions) — issues dating back more than 100 years — are now available in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
News release in The Institute, IEEE Spectrum