Launch of SAIEE Africa Research Journal (incorporating the SAIEE Transactions) on IEEE Xplore
Posted on 2021-12-2430th November 2021 - The SAIEE reached a new milestone in the journey of our journal, SAIEE (South African Institute of Electrical Engineers) Africa Research Journal. Joined by, among others, Prof Sunil Maharaj, SAIEE President, Ms Susan Land, IEEE President and CEO, Dr John Treichler, IEEE Foundation President, Mr Leanetse Paul Matutoane, Acting CEO of the SAIEE, Ms Karen Galuchie, Executive Director, IEEE Foundation, SAIEE Council Members and Staff (to mention particularly Gerda Geyer – who has had the longest association with the journal among us all). Naveen Maddali, Senior Product Manager, Planning & Implementation, IEEE Global Products & Marketing, is a key IEEE professional staff partner who coordinated the publication on IEEE Xplore’s side.
Here's a summary of our journey of more than 110 years:- S. Sinha, B. Lacquet and B. T. J. Maharaj, "IEEE Xplore digital library indexes the Transactions of the SAIEE, 1909 to date," in SAIEE Africa Research Journal, vol. 112, no. 4, pp. 158-159, Dec. 2021.
Thanks to all who have supported us and continue to support us!