New SciELO Publication Criteria (April/May 2024)
Posted on 2024-05-18On 18 May 2024, the SAIEE Africa Research Journal has taken note of the new SciELO Publication Criteria. The following is additionally applicable:
(1) Authors must have an ORCID profile - this must be provided when they update/create their authors profile.
(2) Authors should please ensure that at least their affiliations and qualifications are made public in their ORCID profile.
(3) Regarding usage of LLM/AI tools, we follow the ASSAf guidelines - the same as the South African Journal of Science (SAJS) - please see:
(4) The inclusion of an inclusive language policy, as introduced by the SAJS - (i.e. writing in English that can be understood by English 2nd language readers).
(5) Regarding datasets used in your publication, please submit the dataset to IEEE DataPort: - please cite the resulting DOI in your article.
(6) Authors are encouraged to include the relevant Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the article in the keywords.
(7) Ethics policy: ASSAf’s Code of Best Practice in Scholarly Journal Publishing, Editing and Peer Review.