The application of research in organisational communication

Gustav Puth
Mortimer Tiley (Pty) Limited

How to Cite

The application of research in organisational communication. (2022). Communicare: Journal for Communication Studies in Africa, 3(2), 31-41.
  • Articles
  • Submited: November 15, 2022
  • Published: November 21, 2022


As with most other forms of communication, the most pressing problems of organisational communication can be localised within the limits of the two basic human communication prerequisites of anticipation and feedback: establishing the identity and nature of your receiver(s) as a basis for message formulation, and establishing the receiver reaction (in its broadest sense) on the message as a basis for continued communication. This paper proposes a number of basic research applications as possible solutions to these problems.


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  2. Deutch, M. and Krauss, R.M. (1965) Theories in social psychology. New York: Basic Books.
  3. Fletcher, A.D. and Bowers, T.A. (1979) Fundamentals of advertising research. Columbus Grid Publishing.
  4. Hawes, L.C. (1975) Pragmatics of analoguing: Theory and model construction in communication. Reading Addison-Wesley.
  5. Marx, M.H. (1963) The general nature of theory construction. In M.H. Marx (Ed.) Theories in contemporary psychology. London: Macmillan, pp 4-46.
  6. Miller, G.R. and Nicholson, H.E. (1976) Communication Inquiry: A perspective on a process. Reading Addison-Wesley.
  7. Puth, G. (1981) A functional model and a componential analysis of advertising as communication. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, UOFS, Bloemfontein.
  8. Richetto, G.M. (1977) Organisational communication theory and re- search: An overview. In B.D. Ruben (Ed.) Communication Yearbook 1. New Brunswick: Transaction Books, pp. 331 - 346.
  9. Wenburg, J.R. and Wilmot, W.W. (1973) The personal communication process. New York: John Wiley and Sons.
How to Cite
The application of research in organisational communication. (2022). Communicare: Journal for Communication Studies in Africa, 3(2), 31-41.

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