Development News in Botswana, Zimbabwe and Malawi


How to Cite

Development News in Botswana, Zimbabwe and Malawi. (2022). Communicare: Journal for Communication Studies in Africa, 7(1), 19-28.
  • Articles
  • Submited: November 11, 2022
  • Published: November 14, 2022


DOES development communication flourish in Botswana, Zimbabwe and Malawi? Have official controls, direct or indirect, brought about a clear development communication policy in these countries? This article provides some empirical research into the radio, television and print media and tentatively finds that, despite the recommendations of the New World Information Order that the media pursue a national development policy, there still exist some elements of a 'free Press', that the Western democratic concept of Press freedom is not yet dead.


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How to Cite
Development News in Botswana, Zimbabwe and Malawi. (2022). Communicare: Journal for Communication Studies in Africa, 7(1), 19-28.

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