The internal communication plan as an instrument for the implementation of HIV/Aids policy in a hospital

Sunél du Toit
Northwest University
Paul Schutte
Northwest University
Gideon de Wet
Northwest University

How to Cite

The internal communication plan as an instrument for the implementation of HIV/Aids policy in a hospital. (2022). Communicare: Journal for Communication Studies in Africa, 22(2), 65-89.
  • Articles
  • Submited: October 23, 2022
  • Published: October 24, 2022


This study addresses the internal communication problems of a hospital with regard to
the implementation of the HIV/AIDS-policy within a diverse workforce.
The research was conducted to determine how well nursing and service health workers
at a hospital in North West had been informed about the HIV/AIDS policy of the hospital.
It also aimed to determine what suggestions these staff members as well as the staff
representatives of each department had as regards the communication and
implementation of the HIV/AIDS policy in the hospital.
The results of the questionnaires and interviews indicate that the nursing and service
health workers of the hospital have poor levels of knowledge of the content of the
HIV/AIDS policy and that their communication needs are not met in the implementation
of the existing HIV/AIDS policy. Recommendations are made with respect to the
development of an internal communication plan to improve the implementation of the
HIV/AIDS policy of the hospital.


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How to Cite
The internal communication plan as an instrument for the implementation of HIV/Aids policy in a hospital. (2022). Communicare: Journal for Communication Studies in Africa, 22(2), 65-89.

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