HIV/Aids policy: communication between provincial and local levels in the North-West Province – does it work?

communication between provincial and local levels in the North-West Province – does it work?


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HIV/Aids policy: communication between provincial and local levels in the North-West Province – does it work?. (2022). Communicare: Journal for Communication Studies in Africa, 23(2), 171-196.
  • Articles
  • Submited: October 21, 2022
  • Published: October 24, 2022


In approaching and addressing HIV/Aids, policies should play a major role in orchestrating
the country’s attempt to fight the pandemic. Policies on the HIV/Aids issue are mainly
formulated at national and provincial levels and there are supposed to be instructive
and applicable at local level. Therefore, in this paper, we focus on the communication
between provincial and local levels with regard to the HIV/Aids policy in general and the
policy documents in particular. Thus, our objectives are the following: to describe a few theories briefly in order to
provide a theoretical perspective on policy; to discuss the South African policy on
HIV/Aids and the Aids council system in the North-West; to describe the situation at
local and provincial levels, with the local level envisaged as the site where policy is
implemented; and to provide insights into the way in which communication is working
or not working between provincial and local levels, as far as effective policy formulation
and implementation are concerned. The findings confirm that there is a large gap between the provincial and local levels.
Within the district of Potchefstroom, the knowledge, interpretation and meaning of
provincial policy documents are varied and fragmentary. Although a policy is perceived
to be a guideline for the Local Aids Council (LAC), most organisations, represented on
the LAC, do not experience governmental policy as a guideline for their HIV/Aids
programmes and activities.


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How to Cite
HIV/Aids policy: communication between provincial and local levels in the North-West Province – does it work?. (2022). Communicare: Journal for Communication Studies in Africa, 23(2), 171-196.

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