An exploratory analysis of citizen journalists as editorial gatewatchers: a case study of Gautrain blog posts vis-àvis completion for the 2010 FIFA Soccer World Cup

a case study of Gautrain blog posts vis-àvis completion for the 2010 FIFA Soccer World Cup


How to Cite

An exploratory analysis of citizen journalists as editorial gatewatchers: a case study of Gautrain blog posts vis-àvis completion for the 2010 FIFA Soccer World Cup. (2022). Communicare: Journal for Communication Studies in Africa, 29(2), 48-68.
  • Articles
  • Submited: October 16, 2022
  • Published: October 17, 2022


This study is a qualitative analysis of citizen journalists’ blog posts relating to the Gautrain Project
in South Africa, with a main focus on the Gautrain’s readiness to commence operations on 8 June
2010 for the 2010 FIFA Soccer World Cup. This article is based on sections of a current MTech
study on citizen journalism. Citizen journalism as a phenomenon is examined within the context of the blogosphere. The
gatekeeping theory is used as an approach to journalism in the online environment. So far, only a
very limited number of studies have specifically addressed gatekeeping in the online environment
where citizen journalists decide what is news and which issues need to be raised on the public
sphere agenda. In the online context this is sometimes referred to as gatewatching.
Although not professionally trained journalists, citizen journalists often perform the same
gatekeeping functions as professional journalists. As gatewatchers of mainstream media content,
press releases and other background information, citizen journalists may reintroduce debate in
the public sphere and introduce new insights previously overlooked by the mainstream media.
This article demonstrates how citizen journalists acted as editorial ‘gatewatchers’ on the topic of
the Gautrain project’s readiness for the 2010 FIFA Soccer World Cup in terms of seven categories.
It also illustrates that when functioning as editorial gatewatchers, citizen journalists have the
potential to establish new criteria for newsworthiness in the public sphere.


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How to Cite
An exploratory analysis of citizen journalists as editorial gatewatchers: a case study of Gautrain blog posts vis-àvis completion for the 2010 FIFA Soccer World Cup. (2022). Communicare: Journal for Communication Studies in Africa, 29(2), 48-68.

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