Full Issue
Editorial and Reflections on the Conference for SAJAT: Objectives of the Training Art Therapists for Social Justice Conference
Abstract 59 | PDF Downloads 40Page 1-13
Training Art Therapists for Social Justice UJ conference overview opening address
Abstract 64 | PDF Downloads 35Page 14-20
Training and research: Art Therapy for social justice. A keynote address
Abstract 72 | PDF Downloads 57Page 21-35
Deep diving towards a vison for social justice: a visual dream matrix
Abstract 34 | PDF Downloads 23Page 36-38
Research as storytelling: sharing wisdom with the profession
Abstract 80 | PDF Downloads 45Page 39-42
Art therapy and social activism in community-based projects
Abstract 96 | PDF Downloads 46Page 43-62
Art therapy in the Global South: Now and next
Abstract 89 | PDF Downloads 42Page 63-81
Using the arts to work with refugees and displaced persons in times of crisis and war
Abstract 60 | PDF Downloads 42Page 82-95
Summary report – Training art therapist for social justice: A University of Johannesburg art therapy conference
Abstract 31 | PDF Downloads 25Page 96-105