A sequential, integrated, sustainable organisationstakeholder relationship (SISOSR) process for building organisation-stakeholder partnerships: a conceptual framework
a conceptual framework

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- Articles
- Submited: November 10, 2022
Published: November 10, 2022
Although the concept ‘organisation-stakeholder relationship (OSR)’ is not new and has been
researched extensively in the literature, few attempts have been made to critically analyse
existing viewpoints and propose a unified conceptual framework. The main research problem of
this paper is to address this lack of a commonly accepted conceptual framework for organisational
stakeholder relationships. This is done through a critical analysis of the different perspectives
and existing conceptual frameworks, using a qualitative method whereby strategic stakeholder
identification, OSR development, and OSR maintenance are integrated to propose a conceptual
framework, subsequently termed SISOSR, for building organisation-stakeholder partnerships
(OSPs) with strategic stakeholders. This article is structured as follows: Firstly, the key concepts
are defined; secondly, the building blocks of the framework are presented based on sound
theoretical constructs; and. thirdly, the SISOSR framework is graphically presented and discussed
to elaborate on the proposed process of OSR building, followed by concluding arguments.
Article Metrics Graph
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