Managing communication in the organisation: an integrated communication management model
an integrated communication management model

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- Articles
- Submited: October 27, 2022
Published: October 31, 2022
The first part of this article provides an overview of communication
management as an organisation function, and in doing so adopts a
systems approach showing the interdependency of the various
SUbsystems. The role of the communication manager as channel in the
communication process, uniting the various subsystems as an effective
functioning whole, is discussed. Conceptualising integrated
communication and its role in the market environment, as well as
advantages associated with such an approach, the article argues that an
integrated approach is needed to successfully manage communication in
the organisation. In the second part, an integrated communication
management model is proposed, showing communication management at
the micro, meso and macro levels of the organisation. Exploring some of
the factors that may impede support for an integrated approach, the
authors conclude that implementation of an integrated communication
management model impacts significantly on the role of the
communication manager as attitude and opinion leader, both inside and
outside the organisation.
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