African Journal of Gender and Religion
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Revue Africaine de Science Politique
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Revue de sociologie clinique
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De-centre: Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies
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Digital Policy Studies
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Communicare: Journal for Communication Studies in Africa
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Journal for the Study of Religion
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Higher Education Compass
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Journal of BRICS Studies
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Journal of Construction Project Management and Innovation
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Journal of Digital Food, Energy & Water Systems
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Journal of ExoTechnology and Education
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SAIEE Africa Research Journal (incorporating the SAIEE Transactions)
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The SAQAN Journal for Quality Assurance in Higher Education
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Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in the South (SOTL) in the South
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Pan-African Conversations
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South African Journal of Arts Therapies
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Ubuntu: Journal of Conflict and Social Transformation
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Southern African Field Archaeology
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Utambuzi: Journal for the Study of the Religions of Africa and its Diaspora
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The Thinker
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