Unveiling the Hidden Power of Water Services Development Plans Decoding MuSSA and WSDP's Impact in the Dynamic ICT Space

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Luvuyo Jalisa https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3953-6286


Water Services Authorities, Water Services Development Plan, ICTs, Municipal Strategic Self-Assessment, Planning, Water Services


South African Water Services Authorities (WSAs) have been grappling with the challenge of providing sustainable water and sanitation services which is a product of the sector’s inadequate planning and practices systems. Consequently, many communities which are the end-users endure inadequate access to sustainable water and sanitation services. Thus, establishing effective planning mechanisms becomes crucial to ensure the provision of adequate and sustainable water and sanitation services, and this is the central problem of analysis and prescription for this paper. Notably, the paper recommends an already existing systems approach to local governance that takes advantage of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to drive the modernisation of water and sanitation planning processes which are the Municipal Strategic Self-Assessment (MuSSA) and the Water Services Development Plan (WSDP). Through an emic perspective, systematic search of literature, and document analysis, this paper examines the 2022 MuSSA reports of Western Cape and Gauteng, to identify the challenges faced by the provinces. The findings reveal deficiencies in the Western Cape's investment in asset renewal, infrastructure management, reduction of non-revenue water, and adherence to national standards. Similarly, Gauteng requires comprehensive reforms to address financial instability, asset management, and regulatory compliance. The paper also examines the progress of WSDP development in the 2022-2027 cycle, specifically focusing on the 2022-2023 financial cycle to assess WSAs' compliance. Results indicate that, of 25 WSAs in the Western Cape, only 10 have initiated WSDP development, while 15 lag behind. In Gauteng, only 2 of 9 WSAs have begun the process. Notably, both provinces are behind schedule, having been expected to initiate WSDP development in 2022. The findings of this paper, give an invaluable snippet of the water services planning mechanisms at the local government to ensure proper monitoring and adequate intervention at a local level whilst ensuring the streamlining of resource allocation and recommends that the national government reflects on its shortcomings of ensuring legislative compliance by local government.

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