Published: 2021-04-29

Peer-reviewed articles

Perspectives of postgraduate professors and students on internationalization and English language use at a university in the south of Brazil

Eduardo Henrique Diniz de Figueiredo, Clarissa Menezes Jordão, Bryan Pissinini Antunes, Alan Emmerich, Thais Rodrigues Cons
Abstract 19 | pdf Downloads 2

Page 6-24

Faculty productivity in Zambian higher education in the face of internationalization: Unpacking research, publication and citation at the University of Zambia

Gift Masaiti Masaiti, Kennedy Mwila, Cecilia Kulyambanino, Tommie Njobvu
Abstract 28 | pdf Downloads 10

Page 66-86

Decolonizing the training of engineers and scientists: The case of the Faculty of Physical Sciences and Mathematics at Universidad de Chile

Claudia Rodríguez-Seeger, Doris Sáez-Hueichapan, Alexandra Fuenzalida-Artigas, Ignacio Ñancupil-Quirilao, María Elena Lienqueo, Carlos Contreras-Painemal, Felipe Díaz-Alvarado
Abstract 5 | pdf Downloads 0

Page 87-106

Turning outwards or inwards? The experience of a Mexican indigenous model of community-driven and intercultural education in a globalized world - La Universidad de los Pueblos del Sur

Alfredo Méndez-Bahena, Anna Rosa Domínguez-Corona, Norma Elena Méndez-Bahena, Marlene Brito-Millán
Abstract 19 | pdf Downloads 2

Page 107-128


Internationalisation and the global South

Sergio Celis, Carolina Guzmán-Valenzuela
Abstract 12 | pdf Downloads 0

Page 1-5

Reflective pieces

Internationalization at Home (IaH) in Living-learning context

Kooi Cheng Lee, Swee Kit Alan Soong, Andi Sudjana Putra
Abstract 10 | pdf Downloads 1

Page 129-138

Book reviews

Decolonisation in universities: The politics of knowledge, edited by Jonathan D. Jansen

Naiefa Rashied Rashied
Abstract 16 | pdf Downloads 1

Page 139-143