Current Issue

Vol. 3 No. 1 (2019): SOTL in the South (special issue)

This special issue of SOTL in the South is one of the noteworthy outcomes of the September 2017 SoTL Conference on Active Learning Pedagogies in Higher Education, hosted by the Network of Teaching and Learning at the Aga Khan University (AKU), that was held in Karachi, Pakistan.

ISSN 2523-1154


Published: 2024-02-22

Peer-reviewed articles

Developing a rubric to assess critical thinking in a multidisciplinary context in higher education

Sadia Muzaffar Bhutta, Sahreen Chauhan, Syeda Kausar Ali, Raisa Gul, Shanaz Cassum, Tashmin Khamis
Abstract 4 | PDF Downloads 3

Page 6-25

Designing EthAKUL: a mobile just-in-time learning environment for bioethics in Pakistan

Azra Naseem, Kulsoom Ghias, Sohail Bawani, Mohammad Ali Shahab, Sameer Nizamuddin, Waqar Kashif, Kausar S Khan, Tashfeen Ahmad, Murad Khan
Abstract 7 | PDF Downloads 1

Page 36-56

Blended learning: call of the day for medical education in the global South

Zehra Jamil, Azra Naseem, Eman Rashwan, Sumrah Khalid
Abstract 0 | PDF Downloads 0

Page 57-76

Decolonizing nature/knowledge: indigenous environmental thought and feminist praxis

Nosheen Ali, Binish Samnani, Abdul Wali Khan, Najmi Khatoon, Barkat Ali, Sadia Asfundyar, Muhammad Aslam, Sumaira Amirali
Abstract 0 | PDF Downloads 0

Page 77-91

Reflective pieces

Book reviews

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