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ICT, site management, adoption, technology transfer, awareness, ICT skills, ICT usage
The study is centred about the adoption of ICT-based products in the site management process in South Africa. Selected constructs derived from innovation adoption, diffusion and technology transfer are used to examine aspects of ICT adoption in the South African site management scenario. Knowledge and awareness, and skills and utilisation of ICT are examined in association with adoption of ICT in site management. A purposive sample of literature on the aforementioned concepts, construction, site management and ICT adoption in construction is used to frame the study. Analysis of a recent practitioner survey using a mix of qualitative and quantitative data is applied to arrive at results which further the discussion on ICT adoption in local site management. Limitations of the research emanate mainly from the unknown size of the target population, a measure of purposiveness in the sampling for the study and the numerical strength of the final sample. With the use of a snowball effect, a response sample rate of approximately 80%, based on an effective sample population, was utilised for the research. However the survey was administered at a national level which ensured appreciable spread in terms of administration and demographics of respondents. Results point to considerable information related factors, which constitute hindrance to expedient adoption of ICT in the local site management. Such factors relate to the extent of awareness, skills and working knowledge of ICT in construction, especially site management. Results suggest the need for more awareness of potential in ICT, acquisition of ICT skills, and appreciable working knowledge of available ICT-based technologies which are relevant to site management. The results have implications for the diffusion of ICT in the local construction scenario, especially in the site management process. It also adds value by improving on the scarcity of relevant local information within this area of study.
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