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A.E. Oke
D.R Ogunsemi
O.C. Adeeko


Construction Industry; Construction Professionals; Knowledge management; Nigeria


Knowledge management is a developing area in the construction industry that can contribute immensely to the success of any organisation. This research work therefore examined the areas of the construction industry that will improve as a result of the contributions of knowledge management. Data for the analysis were collected through questionnaires administered on construction professionals using convenient sampling method. The data were analyzed using percentiles and mean item score. The study revealed that the knowledge management adoption is being hindered the most in Nigeria by funding as there is no adequate fund to carry it out in construction organizations. Assessment of the level of sharing knowledge among construction professionals showed that Architects ranked first in sharing knowledge with other construction professionals while top managers, Quantity surveyors, Estate Surveyors, and Civil Engineers followed respectively. In conclusion, it was observed that colleague’s experience was ranked first among the sources of knowledge available to construction professionals in Nigeria as most construction professionals in Nigeria don’t read much and are not exposed to other methods of acquiring knowledge within the organisation, and fund is the highest ranked problem hindering the adoption of knowledge management among Construction Professionals. It was then recommended that Civil Engineers, Builders, Middle managers, Lower managers and Technicians should improve in the level at which they transfer and share knowledge with other construction professionals and that the Federal Government of Nigeria should inject more fund
to the construction industry of the country as this is a very productive sector of the economy.

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