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Ernest Kissi
Divine Kwaku Ahadzie
Edward Badu


Constraints, Development, Ghanaian Construction Industry (GCI), Professional Project Management Practices (PPMP)


Evidence of Professional Project Management Practices in the Ghanaian Construction Industry (GCI) dates back to the 1980s. However, to date not much  has been achieved in its advancement and deployment especially in an era where
project management is considered as an important management philosophy in achieving project success. This paper reports on a study to determine the constraints that exist in the advancement of project management practices in the GCI. The
paper adopted a two-stage data-gathering approach involving qualitative and quantitative techniques. The qualitative approach helped in identifying eighteen (18) Project Management (PM) variables that stakeholders believe are posing
challenges to effective PM practices in Ghana. Out of the eighteen variables, nine supported existing literature while the remaining nine appear to be peculiar to the Ghanaian context. Subsequently, questionnaire containing the eighteen (18)
variables were administered to 183 professionals who are involved in PM practices and then subjected to factor analysis. The paper highlights five (5) major underlying constraints namely: weak project management knowledge base, lack of clearly
defined role for project managers, poor understanding of procurement practices, weak institutional framework and poor communication practices. The paper therefore recommends that, it is important for these underlying factors to be
addressed conscientiously as they provide firm basis for advancing professional project management practices in the GCI

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