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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • All submissions must meet the following requirements.

    • This submission meets the requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

    • This submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration.

    • All references have been checked for accuracy and completeness.

    • All tables and figures have been numbered and labeled.

    • Permission has been obtained to publish all photos, datasets and other material provided with this submission.

    • Used the article template for your article of book review template for book reviews. 

Thank you for choosing to submit your article to the jeXed (The Journal of ExoTechnology and Education)!


Please note the following:

  1. For reasons of typesetting, articles should be submitted on our website (https://journals.uj.ac.za/index.php/jexed) or by special request via e-mail to the Editor-in-Chief, Dr Irene Lubbe (irene.lubbe@auckland.ac.nz) using Microsoft Word and the Harvard Method.

  2. The submission of an article implies that it has not been previously published and is not simultaneously considered for publication elsewhere. The responsibility for opinions expressed and for the accuracy of facts published in articles and reviews rests solely with the individual author/s. The preferred length of articles is between 5,000 and 10,000 words and for reviews between 1,000 and 3,000 words.

  3. Should an author that has submitted their article/review want to subtract it from this Journal for whatever reason, they are permitted to do so before the article has been approved by the peer reviewers. The moment the article has been approved, the Journal retains the right to publish the article and it is then impossible to retract it anymore.

  4. Should an author, with specific reasons and with the consent of the Editor-in-Chief, not want to make their research available to other researchers, it should be indicated in the first footnote of the article. This includes the author’s designs, data, conclusions, etc.

  5. All articles should be submitted in UK English.

  6. A submitted article must include, after the heading, an abstract of approximately 250 words, summarising the main contentions of the article, and at least 5 keywords. It must also provide brief details about the author/s, their e-mail addresses, the institution/s of higher education with whom they are affiliated, and their ORCID link/s.

  7. Articles must be submitted in full, containing a full Reference list, as well as all the figures, tables, videos, podcasts, apps, animations, clips, screenshots, data sets, robotics, coding, etc. (‘extras’). All these extras should be named according to their placement (e.g., ‘Figure 1’ page 3 after second paragraph). (The copyeditor will not [re]draw any figure unless the author pays for the cost of such work.)

  8. If an author involves live subjects (humans) in their article, they must provide the official ethical clearance number obtained from their institution of higher education when they submit their article. The author should add it as a footnote to their article. Should the Journal receive the article without the official ethical clearance number, it will be returned to the author.

  9. When an author has used research data (obtained from an external source), they must properly indicate by way of a link where the reader can get hold of the original data and under what conditions. Data that have been personally obtained by way of qualitative research, can also be made available as long as the privacy of the participants is kept.

  10. All the vocabulary and descriptions used inside an article must be without any bias, exhibiting transparency and cultural recognition of all people groups worldwide, specifically with reference to social and cultural identities as well as geographical locations. This also includes gender, therefore not using pronouns like he/him/his or she/her/hers, but rather they/their/theirs, unless the author is specifically referring to a man or woman. No derogatory language will therefore be tolerated in this Journal.

  11. Authors are encouraged to address the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) of the United Nations in their articles. This must be indicated in their keywords, e.g., SDG Goal 4: Quality Education; SDG Goal 5: Gender Equality.

  12. Please use footnotes and not endnotes.

  13. Errata must be sorted out during the copyediting process with the copyeditor. Once the article is published, no more corrections can be done. However, if the author can prove that the copyeditor is responsible for an erratum without the knowledge of the author, then the author must send an e-mail to the Editor-in-Chief and request a correction.

  14. Peer reviews: All article submissions to jeXed will undergo a double-blind peer review process according to DHET standards.

  15. The Editor-in-Chief and sub-editors reserve the right to copyedit and proofread all articles accepted for publication. Authors will first receive their copyedited manuscripts in Word format and finally in PDF format. Acceptance of the article will imply that the author/s will still retain copyright of their article.

  16. jeXed will be published biannually during June and November. However, articles will be published after copyediting has been done and the author/s is/are satisfied with all the corrections. The indication will still be if the article is assigned to the first or the second semester, e.g., jeXed 1(1) or jeXed 1(2).

  17. Article processing fees: Articles which are published in jeXed will be subject to an article processing fee (or page fee) of R400.00 per A5 (published) page for authors from South Africa, and R500.00 for authors from abroad. On acceptance, the author(s) of the article will receive an invoice for the amount due. Should the author(s) experience difficulties to afford these fees, they may contact the Editor-in-Chief.

  18. Since jeXed is encouraging alternative types of submissions or artifacts, the Journal also aims to include an Additional Information Space (not for DHET purposes) where an author can highlight certain key-opinion leaders in AI and technology, game-based learning, gamification, and (higher) education, with a direct permanent link to their website and a short reflection or recommendation based on a video (YouTube or any other video), blog/vlog, or other output.

  19. Keep formattingas simple as possible and consistent throughout the article:

  • Paper size: A4 portrait. (The Journal will be published in A5 format.)

  • Use 1.5 spacing throughout, with justified text. (The Journal will be published in single spacing.)

  • Main text font: Arial 11pt; footnotes font: Calibri light 10pt.

  • Section heading levels (capitalise the main words):

    • Level 1 – bold, 13pt: Introduction

    • Level 2 – bold, 11pt: 1 Methodology

    • Level 3 – italics, 11pt: 2.1 Conspiracy Theories

    • Level 4 – italics, 11pt: 2.1.1 We saw aliens

  • Use automatic hyphenation (please do not manually insert hyphens at the end of a line).

  • Use only one spaceafter a punctuation mark (such as a full stop at the end of a sentence).

  • Ellipsis: Use word, three dots, word/punctuation mark (e.g., sea…goodness; what now…?).

  • Do not use a space between punctuation marks and quotation marks.

  • Put all foreign languages (such as per se or baie dankie) in italics, except when it is used in a direct quote.

  • Please try to avoid the abbreviation

  • All acronyms should be written out in full in brackets after the abbreviation upon initial use, for example: UN (United Nations) and EU (European Union). Thereafter the author may only use the abbreviation.

  • Use single quotation marks for direct quotations or direct speech, after the punctuation (e.g., ‘done.’).


Referencing mostly according to the Harvard Method.


Referencing inside text

All data, programme codes, or anything else used inside the article must be cited appropriately, using the Harvard Method as adapted by jeXed. The citation must be done inside the text as indicated below, as well as in the Reference list – also indicated below. Each listed source in the Reference list must have (if available) a doi (digital object identifier). The easiest way to obtain a doi is on https://apps.crossref.org/SimpleTextQuery.


  • One author: (Settler 2022:3 of 8); Settler (2022:3 of 8).

  • Two authors: (Simmonds & Roux 2023:28); Simmonds and Roux (2023:28).

  • Three or more authors: First time: (Simmonds, Shires, & Roux 2023:28); from there on: (Simmonds et al. 2023:28); first time: Simmonds, Shires, and Roux (2023:28); from there on: Simmonds et al. (2023:28).

  • Original date: (Luther [1725] 2022:1234); Luther ([1725] 2022:1234).

  • Online source: (Zille 2011); Zille (2011).

  • WhatsApp messages: (Sunni Ulema Council 2023); Sunni Ulema Council (2023).


Format for References in Reference list (not justified)

Journal article by one author

Settler, F. 2022. Frantz Fanon’s ambivalence towards religion and politics. Journal for the Study of Religion 25(2). 8 pages. https://doi.org/10.1080/03057070.2010.527639


Journal article by two authors

Simmonds, S. & Roux, CH. 2023. Engaging with human rights and gender in curriculum spaces: A religion and education (RaE) perspective. Alternation Special Edition 10(4):76-99. https://doi.org/10.1081/03257070.2023.527638


Book by one author

Chidester, D. 1997. Savage systems: Colonialism and comparative religion in Southern Africa. Cape Town: University of Cape Town Press. https://doi.org/10.1280/03257070.1997.527439


Book by two or more authors

MacKinnon, MH., McIntyre, M., & Blantyre, DTM. n.d. Readings in ecology and feminist theology. Kansas City: Sheed and Ward.


Book by one editor

Webb, GM. (Ed.). 2000. Windows of faith: Muslim women’s scholar activists in North America. Syracuse: Syracuse University Press. https://doi.org/10.1080/03457070.2000.52469


Book by two or more editors

Eaton, H. & Lorentzen, LA. (Eds.). 2003. Ecofeminism and globalization: Exploring culture, context and religion. Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers. https://doi.org/10.1057/03367870.2003.516789


Chapter in an edited book

Ter Haar, G. 2011. Religion and development: Introducing a new debate. In Ter Haar, G. & Ter Haarem, GM. (Eds.): Religion and development: Ways of transforming the world, 88-101. 5 vols. London: Hurst & Company. https://doi.org/10.1256/03476070.2011.547839


Translated book

Foucault, P-M. [1945] 1977. Discipline and punish. Sheridan, A. (trans.). New York: Pantheon.


Edited book:

Luther, M. 1725. Sola Scriptura. Wolff, A. (ed.). New York: Pantheon.


Book or Article in Press:

Settler, F. 2023. Frantz Fanon’s ambivalence towards religion and politics. Journal for the Study of Religion. In press.


Dissertation or Thesis

Amaechi, KE. 2019. Violence and political opportunities: A social movement study of the use of violence in the Nigerian Boko Haram. Thesis (or Dissertation), Department of Religious Studies and Arabic, UNISA, Pretoria.


Online source

Zille, H. 2011. The case against appointing Judge Mogoeng CJ – Helen Zille. PoliticsWeb. 26 June 2022. Available at: https://www.politicsweb.co.za/news-and-analysis/the-case-against-appointing-judge-mogoeng-cj--hele. (Accessed on 30 March 2023).


Album or YouTube

Badenhorst, N. 2019. FOR SA Roadshow May 2019 – Part 1. YouTube. 12 June 2019. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v= _VkQwVyS57I&feature=youtu.be. (Accessed on 11 October 2022).


WhatsApp Message

Sunni Ulema Council, Gauteng. 2023. Press release: Adherence to the lockdown. 7 April 2023. WhatsApp message. (Accessed on 9 April 2023)

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.