Information campaigns and local authorities: a DSC case study
a DSC case study

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- Submited: November 1, 2022
Published: November 3, 2022
The new constitution links the duties of local governments to development,
implying that the financial dilemma of local authorities caused by the
culture of non~payment for municipal services, should be seen in the light
of the deve/opment~rientated situation in South Africa. As the failures of
the authoritarian top-down development approach became evident, it is not
'8 solution to remove the electricity cables of non-payers, neither is it a
solution to modify behaviour only. The motivation behind a campaign
aiming at correcting the situation should focus on the capacity building in
the community, which is in line with participatory development and DSC
thinking. This can only be· done in a participatory situation, where
information is released about the operations of the local authority, and the
community is educated about the functions and processes taking place in
the local authority. In a workshop situation, the needs of the community
should be prioritised, in order to address those needs. It is believed that by
understanding the various functions and operations of the local authority,
attitudes of the community will change towards the local authority, and that
such change might lead to a change in the culture of non~payment.
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