Use of DMAIC methodology to enhance online delivery and assessment during and beyond the COVID-19 pandemic

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Mendon Dewa



COVID-19 prompted a radical shift in many universities globally, from contact lectures to adoption of online learning and assessment. A university of technology in South Africa has similarly undergone this transition of adopting an online learning and assessment platform. However, there have been many challenges faced in ensuring integrity of online assessments and ensuring that learning outcomes are addressed. This study aims to investigate the factors that inhibit reliability and effectiveness of online assessment during and beyond the COVID-19 pandemic in a department of industrial engineering at a university of technology in South Africa. The study sample consisted of 80 third-year students enrolled in a Production Engineering course. A five-stage Define-Measure-Analyze-Improve-Control (DMAIC) methodology was used to identify the factors that influenced the reliability and effectiveness of online assessment and, thereafter, to improve the online assessment process. The results demonstrate that there was room for improvement in the online learning environment, which in turn led to more authentic assessment and better academic performance by the students. Recommendations are made regarding strategies that could enhance the integrity of online assessments and minimise cheating while ensuring that learning outcomes are addressed.

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