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O. Adeniyi
O.I Aje
D.R. Ogunsemi


strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats, partners, public private partnership


Public-private partnership (PPP) is basically the collaboration between a public and a private organisation in order to achieve a specific goal. This paper examines the capabilities of partners and the environment in which they operate in Nigeria using a case-study approach. Data for the study were collected from written documents, inter alia company’s business brochures, official reports, unpublished performance data on resources and operations; interviews were also conducted with 8 professionals from public and private parties. Data analysis was done using analytical induction, content and logical analysis. The study revealed that diversity and multidisciplinary attributes, and ready access to consultants are among the major strengths of the public partners, while its weakness is insufficiency of arm. The passing of relevant laws was seen as an opportunity by both parties, while lack of understanding of roles by ministries, and an unfavourable banking climate were identified as threats by the public partner. The private partner identified creativity and innovativeness, high knowledge of business and superb negotiation ability among its strengths and saw poor federal influence as a major weakness with poor local understanding of PPP as a threat. The study concluded that the success of partnerships depends much on cordial relationships between partners.

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