Church’s Role in Prevention, Care and Management of HIV and AIDS in Western Kenya Case of Vihiga and Busia Districts

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Sussy Gumo-Kurgat
Susan Kilonzo


role of the Church, HIV and AIDS, prevention and management of HIV and AIDS, Western Kenya


The mandate of this essay is two-fold. First, it pays attention to the role of the Church in the care of persons living with HIV and AIDS and the affected. Secondly, it examines the efforts of the Church in prevention and management of HIV and AIDS in Western Kenya. The strategies used by the Church in achieving these two facets therefore forms the basis of the discussion. The viability of these approaches has been discoursed analytically as a basis for providing suggestions that might inform the church leaders and members to rethink the strategies relevant in responding to HIV and AIDS. The discussions are framed under the concept of holistic care and development for humanity. Primary data is sourced from two purposively sampled districts: Vihiga and Busia in Western Kenya. 52 randomly sampled churches provide the sample size from which examples were drawn. As a way forward, given the numerous challenges that the churches face while responding to HIV within communities, we advocate for an integrated approach where churches can borrow strategies that work best from their counterparts.

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