Religious Collaboration Enhances Patient Satisfaction among Faith-Based Groups and Health Facilities in Western Kenya

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Mary N. Getui
Nema C. Aluku
William T. Story


HIV, Faith Based Health Facilities, Collaboration, Patient Satisfaction


HIV and AIDS continue to be a major challenge in Kenya, especially in the Western region where, coincidentally, public and private health facilities are sparse, but with a relatively high number of faith based health facilities. This study seeks to examine whether and how collaboration among faith-based groups and health facilities in the provision of HIV prevention and treatment services for women ages 15-49 years is associated with high patient satisfaction. Using an embedded multiple-case study design, we purposively selected seven faith-based health facilities in Kakamega County. We conducted 33 in-depth interviews with HIV-positive individuals, 14 key informant interviews with health providers; and 8 focus group discussions with members of the community in the health facility catchment area. The findings indicated that, when health facilities demonstrated collaboration, there was a positive impact on patient satisfaction. Specifically, collaborations between faith-based organisations resulted in the improvement of HIV services.

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