The Role of Religious and Traditional Beliefs on Botswana Medical Practitioners’ Health Provision Behaviours Some Highlights from a Recent Study

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Rebecca Kubanji


Religious Beliefs, Health Care Practitioners’ Beliefs, Health Provision Behaviours, Health, Impact


Religious and traditional belief systems have a bearing on health care provision and vice versa. Faith healing is a crucial component of health care provision. Holistic care should be intertwined within both medical practice and religious and traditional belief systems in order to attain optimal patient care. Using qualitative methodology, this study explores the role of religious and traditional beliefs on medical practitioners’ health provision behaviours. Medical professionals who informed the health provision behaviour were purposively sampled from medical facilities. The results from the study emphasize that a peoples’ religious belief system is a crucial component of delivery of health care. The religious beliefs of the medical practitioner play an important role in optimising patient care. The healing power of science needs to be linked to the dynamics of curing and caring that is derived from religious and traditional contexts. Further research related to religionmedicine interrelationships is recommended.

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