Childhood trauma and intimacy: Exploring drama therapy for intimacy recovery in adult relationships

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Kathryn Ann Magee


Intimacy, Childhood trauma, Drama Therapy


This article investigates the relationship between childhood trauma and intimacy in adulthood, evaluating Drama Therapy as a treatment approach for intimacy recovery. Using a qualitative literature review, the study explores how specific Drama Therapy techniques – dramatic ritual, the Role Method, Narradrama, and Developmental Transformations (DvT) – address intimacy disruptions resulting from childhood trauma. The review reveals that these Drama Therapy approaches equip trauma survivors with tools to rebuild trust, regulate emotions, reform harmful narratives, and manage relational unpredictability. By fostering safety, trust, emotional expression, and mutual recognition within a structured environment, the literature examined indicates that Drama Therapy may facilitate the recovery of intimacy capacity by enabling individuals to engage in healthier and more fulfilling relationships.

The article highlights that while Drama Therapy provides valuable insights into intimacy recovery, it is limited by the absence of empirical data, which affects its scientific validity. Furthermore, the focus on selected literature may not fully represent the broader research landscape on trauma, intimacy, and Drama Therapy. The effectiveness of Drama Therapy techniques in enhancing intimacy lacks extensive empirical validation, underscoring the need for more rigorous research. Future studies should include empirically validated research to explore the impact of specific forms of childhood trauma and identify the most effective Drama Therapy techniques for intimacy recovery. Interdisciplinary collaboration could enhance empirical support for Drama Therapy’s efficacy, offering a more comprehensive understanding of therapeutic interventions' impact on human health and intimate relationships.

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