The relationship between top management communication performance and job satisfaction.

J. David Pincus
University of California
Robert E. Rayfield
California State University

How to Cite

The relationship between top management communication performance and job satisfaction. (2022). Communicare: Journal for Communication Studies in Africa, 6(2), 14-26.
  • Articles
  • Submited: November 10, 2022
  • Published: November 14, 2022


THIS field study of 327 professional hospital nurses Investigates the relationship between employees' perceptions of top-level management organizational communication and employee job satisfaction and job performance. Pearson product-moment and canonical correlation analyses revealed significant positive relationships between top management communication and employee job satisfaction and, to a lesser ex tent, with job performance. Although considerable research has been conducted into the immediate supervisor employee communication relationship, which has demonstrated a strong, positive association, the top management-employee communication link has been largely overlooked. Findings here suggest that employees look to top managers and im mediate supervisors to fulfill separate and distinct communication needs. This study sought to pave the way for more research into the effects of top management communication on various orginizational effectiveness variables. The authors draw conclusions from their fin dings, propose a model for future research and suggest future research directions.


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  3. For a summary, see J. David Pincus and Robert E. Rayfield. (November 1985.) "Organizational Communication and Job Satisfaction: An Analysis of Research and Prospects for Future Study," paper presented to the Western Communica tions Educators Convention, San Jose, Calif.
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  15. Ibid, p.17
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  26. Goldhaber et al., (1978). p. 84.
  27. Julie Foehrenbach & Karn Rosenberg. (1982) "How are We Doing?" Journal of Organizational Communication 12:1 3.9.
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  29. Larry E. Penley and Brian L Hawkins.
  30. (March 1979) "Communication Consistency as a Factor in the Prediction of Motivation and Performance," papar presented to the Southwestern Academy of Management Convention, Houston.
  31. George Everly and Raymond Falcione, (1976) "Perceived Dimensions of Job Satisfaction for Staff Registered Nurses," Nursing Research 35:5:346-48.
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  35. J. David Pincus and Robert E. Rayfield, (October 15, 1985): "The Emerging Role of Top Management Communica tion: Turning On' Employee Com mitment," Personnel Management Com munications 28; 1293-94.
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  38. J. David Pincus, (Spring, 1986): "Com munication Satisfaction. Job Satisfac tion and Job Performance, Human Communication Research in print.
  40. See Foehrenbach and Rosenberg, 1982: Goldhaber et al., (1978); and "Special Report: Managing Human Resources/ 1982."
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How to Cite
The relationship between top management communication performance and job satisfaction. (2022). Communicare: Journal for Communication Studies in Africa, 6(2), 14-26.

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